
PIA Pontis Institutional Advisors GmbH
Erika-Mann-Strasse 7
80636 Munich
Phone: +49 89 122 2389 60
Fax: +49 89 122 2389 69
Domicile and Court of Registry: Munich
Commercial Register No. HRB: 216340
VAT-ID: DE 299089119

Managing Partner: David Rueckel, Achim Puetz

License according to §34f Abs. 1, S. 1, Nr. 1, Nr. 2 and Nr. 3 Gewerbeordnung (GewO), §34c Gewerbeordnung (GewO)

Regulatory authority: Industrie- und Handelskammer für Muenchen und Oberbayern, Max-Joseph-Straße 2, 80333 Muenchen,

Broker registry: Register-Nr.: D-F-155-I1WB-02

Responsible professional chamber: Industrie- und Handelskammer für Muenchen und Oberbayern, Max-Joseph-Straße 2, 80333 Muenchen

Professional regulations:
– §34f Gewerbeordnung (GewO), §34c Gewerbeordnung (GewO)
– Verordnung über Finanzanlagenvermittlung (FinVermV)
The professional regulations can be viewed and accessed through the Federal Ministry of Justice (Germany) and through the juris GmbH operated site.

PIA Placement Advisory GmbH
Erika-Mann-Strasse 7
80636 Munich
Phone: +49 89 122 2389 60
Domicile and Court of Registry: Munich
Commercial Register No. HRB: 242618
VAT-ID: DE 321871780

Managing Partner: David Rueckel

PIA Placement Advisory GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of PIA Pontis Institutional Advisors GmbH. While PIA Pontis Institutional Advisors GmbH is regulated in accordance with Section 34f GewO, PIA Placement Advisory GmbH provides investment brokerage services for the account and under the liability of AHP Capital Management GmbH as a tied agent within the meaning of Section 2 (2) No. 3 WpIG. Link:


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